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Garden Design

Underscoring our long-standing mission to educate people about plants, gardens and the environment, the GARDEN DESIGN creates numerous new places and opportunities to increase our capacity to meet this mission head-on. Hands-on, science-based educational programming with real examples and exhibits – for students ranging from elementary school to professionals – is emphasized.

Technologies and practices both old and new will be utilized to restore our urban stream, minimize or eliminate erosion and stormwater runoff, promote percolation and biofiltration, reduce potable water usage, harvest rainwater for re-use, make our greenhouses energy-efficient, and reduce and re-use organic waste. Several new buildings will replace outmoded ones and are envisioned as LEED buildings; a new maintenance building is partially earth-sheltered and has a green roof. Each is an educational opportunity as well.

The Formal Garden becomes an audience-friendly place for concerts with a grand stage. An event-based garden is created in an elegant Persian theme, with an adjoining catering/teaching kitchen.