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Winter Gardens Landscape Services

Often we think of landscaping as just the installation of plants and grass. Those are just a couple of things that go to the overall look of your landscape spirits. There are many different elements to bring out such as hard scape and soft scape. This could be gazebos pergolas or plants and rock gravel to really capture the entire theme of which are going for.

Many companies only offer a couple of services and therefore may only be able to help you out with one element of your design. Since 2010 we have offered a variety of services to completely tackle your outdoor space.

Our landscape service technicians are experience with all levels of design and installation. Create a fun flagstone walkway and take your adventurous tour of your backyard or install the low maintenance rock gravel flower bed you desire. No matter your need, we have you covered.

Landscaping Design Winter Garden

When trying to determine the type of theme that you are desiring there are many elements to take it to consideration. Factors such as soil conditions and sunlight conditions. These play big roles in determining what plants or grasses we may have available for your environment.

Upon our free and estimate we will go over all of the different options that we have available and take into consideration your desired look. Whether you’re in full sun or full shade we are familiar with all options available to you.

The beautiful thing about living in Winter Garden is our climate allows us to have many different design options. We have different design options such as a tropical theme, Mediterranean theme, cottage designs and Japanese gardens.

Landscape Gardening Ideas Winter Garden

We have many great ideas on incorporating different elements into each design theme. Different colors, different heights and different maturity goals can be achieved with our help.

Tropical Landscape Design

With bold colors such as red, orange, yellow create a tropical oasis in your backyard. Take it to the next level with small palms in large palm trees, other plants such as birds of paradises will really help to fill this design theme.

Mediterranean Landscape Design

Incorporate tall, spherical cypresses, junipers, and cedars along with light pink and blues to really capture a Tuscan theme. Cedarwood pergolas and colorful clay pots also help add to the hard scape element of this design.

Cottage Landscape Design

The cottage landscape design theme for those that wish to stay true to mother nature. Allowing plants to fully mature and maintain themselves. Wild and wispy plans along with flowering trees are really good to incorporate in this landscape design. Trees like dogwoods, Eastern red buds and Cassia blend well with azaleas, camellias and gardenias.

Rock Gravel Stone Winter Garden

After we’ve accomplished the design theme of your landscape environment and we have finished the installation it’s time to choose a bedding material to cover the soil surface. There are many different options to choose from but for those that are looking for a low maintenance option look no further than a rock gravel stone.

Rock gravel stone brings out natural elements to really help capture design theme ideas. Unlike other bedding materials such as mulch rock gravel stones do not carry pest and funguses issues. Gravel rocks are also permanent and never need replacement.

For those looking for low maintenance landscape bedding services this is the option for you. Gravel rock will lock in the moisture and keep your weeds under control while also enhancing the permanent beauty of your property.

There are many natural stone elements that we can incorporate throughout your property. If we are using gravel rock is a landscape bedding maybe we can really give it depth by installing bolder rock. Or we can get really creative and install a flagstone pathway that takes you on adventure of your lawn.

Flagstone Walkway Winter Garden

Flagstone walkways can add a really unique elements your landscaping environment. They give off a very fun and playful experience. Or they can also be used for practical purposes of getting to a patio screen door and lead to a gate. Flagstone rocks can also be used to create a patio. There are many different ways incorporate this idea and said he design theme. Our landscape service team is here to help find unique ways to help bring this element into your design.

Rock Gravel Gardens Winter Garden

Rock gravel can be used for several different purposes. You can use as gravel stone is a driveway that is a little more economical the concrete or pavers. Or you can also use this is a beautiful decorative stone inside your flower beds. With colors such as beige, browns and grays there’s a look from us every house color out there.

Mulch Installation Winter Garden

For those looking for a nice economical option for a landscape bedding material mulch is the product for you. Mulch will also offer you many different colors and different types of mulch products to choose from.

If you’re looking for a sustainable product look no further than eucalyptus mulch, or pine needles. Both of these products are naturally harvested and eucalyptus reaches maturity within eight years. These are both great sustainable options for a landscape bedding material.

If you’re looking for colors, cypress mulch and pine bark a great options. Cypress mulch comes in red, light red, chocolate brown, tan and natural colors. Or choose from natural colors that are provided from pine bark.