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Celebration Bermuda Sod Installation

Celebration Bermuda Sod InstallationCelebration Bermuda grass is an Australian breed sod, which thrives in Florida’s climate. Celebration has a dark blue-green color and is used in a lot of professional and college sports venues, golf courses, and home or commercial lawns. This type of sod is extremely drought tolerant. Celebration Bermuda grass requires much less mowing than other Bermuda varieties or St Augustine’s.

Celebration Bermuda Grass Facts

This variety of Bermuda has exceptional tough runners, rhizomes, and deep roots. The fact it’s a lateral grower provides your sod with outstanding strength and resilience to drought conditions. It also has superior tolerance to shaded areas. The deep roots are the secret to its toughness. Some studies show that Celebration Bermuda has a better tolerance for shade than other Bermuda varieties. This makes it an excellent sod installation choice for golf courses, which aren’t always completely out in the open.

The fact that Celebration Bermuda grass recovers and heals itself quickly, are what make this a great option for high wear and traffic areas. This sod is anxious to sprout and spreads quickly throughout whichever area it is placed. It does have a slow vertical growth, so mowing is less than other sod choices.

Installing Celebration Bermuda Sod

Once your Celebration Bermuda is established, it exhibits drought tolerant tendencies. Watering is substantially dependent on your soil type, which season it is, geography, and other factors. Look out for the signs of wilting, to stay on top of your irrigation.

Celebration Bermuda grass requires consistent weed and pesticide maintenance, though it has a high tolerance to chemicals most other types of grasses don’t. Celebration Bermuda sod can be kept virtually weed free once you establish a consistent fertilization and pesticide system.

Shady areas and wet soils require much less watering, compared to full-sun areas and sandy soils which require much more. Encourage Celebration Bermuda to have deep roots by watering until the soil is moist to a depth of 3 inches. If you don’t water the correct amounts, this could turn into your sod having shallow roots. Taking time in between your irrigation will maximize drought resistance and tolerance. For mowing, this sod is recommended to be kept at 2″.