Grass Removal, Installation and Care – From the Ground Up Landscaping Inc Sod Landscaping Pavers Lighting Irrigation Design Service Installation Wed, 07 Aug 2019 20:38:28 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Grass Removal, Installation and Care – From the Ground Up Landscaping Inc 32 32 What Makes Artificial Grass a Good Choice Wed, 27 Dec 2017 21:58:34 +0000 No matter the region or climate you live in, we all want a lush, beautiful lawn to enjoy with friends, family or pets. What makes artificial grass a good choice is the many year-round benefits it provides. Synthetic turf minimizes the carbon footprint by eliminating the need for watering, mowing and fertilizers while providing a […]

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No matter the region or climate you live in, we all want a lush, beautiful lawn to enjoy with friends, family or pets. What makes artificial grass a good choice is the many year-round benefits it provides. Synthetic turf minimizes the carbon footprint by eliminating the need for watering, mowing and fertilizers while providing a permanent sea of green.

There are many great ways to install and use artificial turf. Putting greens, pet grasses, playgrounds and lawns are all practical installations that deliver long lasting results. Most manufactures offer a 15-year warranty on the grass and many times, 25 plus years is not out the realm of life expectancy. There is up front cost that initially make artificial turf out the price range for most but within 8 years the savings will start to overcome the up-front cost, saving you thousands in the long run.

Synthetic turf before and after installation

Zero Watering Required

Watering is become problematic, especially in dry, arid climates like Southern California and Arizona. But watering issues aren’t limited to these areas alone, according to new studies that are researched by the University of Florida and the Florida Department of Agriculture, certain areas in Florida have sufficient fresh water for the next 15-20 years only. Watering restrictions are becoming a nation-wide issue that needs addressing.

Artificial turf eliminates the need for any watering, zero, none, never ever. If you have pets, the only time you’ll use water is to give it a weekly rinse off and this is very minimal. Outside of xeriscaping you really can’t find an easy, low to zero watering landscape that delivers the look of natural, healthy grass or plants like fake grass.

Zero Mowing Necessary

Mowing has always been a dreaded weekly choir that can take precious hours away from everyday life or money paid towards a maintenance crew. Not only is it a sweaty, time consuming choir but it requires mowers that put out as much as ten times the carbon emissions that vehicles produce. Recently the government has issued emission regulations on all vehicles and most manufacturers are offering electric options. Nothing significant has been put into action for mowers and maintenance equipment to regulate these emissions.

Installing a fake grass lawn eliminates the need of mowing which is beneficial for not only the environment, but your pocket as well. The money saved on equipment needed for maintenance or the cost of hiring a service company to maintain it on a weekly basis adds up over time.

Zero Fertilizers Needed

Maintaining a healthy lawn is a tough task, and it usually boils down to three components, two of which we’ve covered, watering and mowing but the third is fertilization. There are numerous issues that can take place in the lawn, different deficiencies, pest and fungus’s can pop up at any moment and require immediate attention to minimize damage. Many people will turn to fertilizers and chemicals to treat these and other issues on a monthly or bi monthly basis.

These chemicals can seep into the water table or sediments can runoff into ponds, creeks, lakes, rivers and damage our fresh water sources. This is harmful and leads to further carbon emissions needed to clean and filter through these water sources. Outside of the environmental impact is the cost of the chemicals, they add up over time too.

Synthetic grass requires zero fertilizers. Never worry about pest, fungus’s or damaged areas that will lead to re sodding in the future. By eliminating the needs of harmful fertilizers and chemicals you can save 100s of dollars a year!

Lake Mary Artificial Turf Before and After

The Savings Add Up

Between the cost of maintenance or the equipment need to perform the task yourself, fertilization and watering needed to maintain a healthy lawn you can save hundreds and maybe thousands each year with an artificial grass lawn.

Let’s say the average maintenance fee is $100 a month for a full lawn, the monthly watering is $40 and monthly fertilization is $50. The total would add up to be $1,200 for the mowing, $480 for watering and $600 for the fertilization. That’s $2,280 a year in up keep plus the time and struggle. Not to mention the cost needed for the occasional re-sodding of damaged areas and or equipment needed and any repair bills that come along the way.

Most people aren’t installing artificial turf throughout the entire property so lets say you’re using it in the backyard only. This would cut cost down by half!

It’s easy to see all the amazing benefits that installing an artificial lawn brings to the table. And with the many uses it has, this is the way to go for a long lasting, healthier and beautiful outdoor landscape.

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New Sod Care Instructions Thu, 11 Aug 2016 01:11:33 +0000 Whether you live here in Central Florida or in another county/state, all newly installed sod requires special attention and care, especially within the first four weeks after installation. Whether you’ve installed the grass or hired a company to perform the task, it is very important to follow these steps and tips to protect the investment. […]

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Whether you live here in Central Florida or in another county/state, all newly installed sod requires special attention and care, especially within the first four weeks after installation. Whether you’ve installed the grass or hired a company to perform the task, it is very important to follow these steps and tips to protect the investment. We will cover chemical treatment and frequency, water scheduling and when to mow.

Skipping one of these steps or rushing any of them can prove fatal for the sod, you’ll want to pay close attention. Caring for new grass can require a lot of water, please be respectful to rivers and aquifers by limiting the amount of water used. Use the following as a guide for new sod care instructions.

New Sod Installations Care Steps

The first step after the sod installation has been completed – set up an initial chemical treatment for the grass. You’ll want to have this performed within the first five days after installation; we recommend treatment within three days for best results. Most homeowners will want to try and attempt this on their own, we highly recommend using a professional fertilization service for the first treatment and for those sod companies who issue a 30-day guarantee, this is a must.

This initial treatment will include a double shot of micro-nutrients to ensure root development and a fungicide to protect the sod from becoming susceptible to any fungus that may occur. For the first 4 weeks we’ll be watering frequently which increases the risk of funguses. Funguses are more likely to occur in the summer months when moisture and temperatures are at their peak, so keep a watchful eye during the summer season.

General practice is wait 15 to 30 days after liquid treatment and then apply a granular fertilizer. If you wish to fertilize on your own, under no conditions should you over apply fertilizers, this could potentially burn the root system and cause the grass to die. We recommend a liquid treatment bi monthly and a granular treatment 2-3 times a year from this point on as well. For weed treatments and other applications, check with you local do it yourself supply center.

How Much To Water New Sod

The second step, once the sod has been installed, set up a watering schedule. The goal is to keep the soil underneath the sod pieces wet at all times within the first 3-5 weeks. Follow the schedules below and adjust according to any signs of drought or over watering. Signs of drought will include the grass blades to be folded in, graying grass coloring or the soil underneath the sod is dry. Signs of over-watering, which can lead to a fungus, include puddling, stepping on the grass and soil appearing on top or footprints remaining after stepping in the area.

Check underneath the pieces daily for the first week to adjust watering schedule if needed. Set each pop up zone(these are the ones that have a continual spray in the same areas) on for 30-35 minutes and 45-60 minutes for the rotors(these are the ones that are jet stream and rotate from side to side). Make the proper adjustments if there’s too much or too little water hitting the ground. Each zone should produce 3/4″ – 1″ of water every watering cycle. Shut off the irrigation system in the presence of moderate to heavy rainfall. 

Watering Time Week by Week for New Sod

For the first 7-14 days water 5-6 days a week, once a day in late spring, early fall and summer months (between 3 am and 7 am). Water every day if the soil is dry in the early evening time or rainfall has not been present in a while. Try to start with 5 days a week to prevent over-watering.

For the first 7-14 days 4-5 days a week, once a day during late fall, early spring and winter months (between 3am and 7am). This could be increased to every day if the soil is dry in the evening time or rainfall has not been present in a while. Watering at nights below 45 could stun root development and shock the grass potentially resulting in permanent damage. Be sure to shut the system off these nights.

For days 14-28, cut the watering down to once a day for 2-4 days a week starting at 3 am. Increase the days as needed. After the 28 day period, check you local watering laws and abide with their watering limits and resume normal watering scheduling.

Mowing Instructions for New Sod

When is the best time to start mowing? You can begin mowing once the root system is established. To determine when the root system is established simply tug a piece of sod, don’t yank on it, just enough to see if the piece will lift up at all. If it does not, you are ready to start mowing.This usually takes 7-14 days.

If the lines are still visible don’t worry, this is normal and you are in the clear. The goal here is not to remove more than a third of the grass during each mow. For the first time, you’ll need to set the mower height at the highest possible setting. After the first mow, gradually bring the mowing height lower each mow until you reach a desired height. Example, the grass is at 7”, you’ll need to set the mower to 5” then wait till the second mowing to bring it down lower.

The type of grass you have will determine the mowing height. Check out your grass specific guideline.

If you ever have any issues during the establishment period call your Orlando and Central Florida local sod care specialist to assist you – 219-741-3939.

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How To lay Grass Sod Thu, 11 Aug 2016 01:10:44 +0000 How to lay grass sod is pretty simple and easy to perform if you pay attention to a few key steps and tips. It is all about executing the process efficiently which will decrease time and quite possibly, save you from a small migraine. The type of grass you’ll want to use will come down […]

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sod removal and sod installation in debaryHow to lay grass sod is pretty simple and easy to perform if you pay attention to a few key steps and tips. It is all about executing the process efficiently which will decrease time and quite possibly, save you from a small migraine. The type of grass you’ll want to use will come down to functionality, sunlight conditions, soil conditions and the type of look you desire. We’ll also discuss and how to determine a starting point for grass installation process.

Grass Installation Process

Before we start any part of the grass installation process, we need to make sure a few things have been handled. One, make sure that any debris in the area is removed and the dirt properly graded. Second, run the irrigation system to check for leaky heads or any breaks that may be present. We do not want to do any repairs or regrading once the grass goes down. After the irrigation system is up and running, run the system for about 30 minutes during night to compact the soil.

Moreover, thirdly, we want to choose the type of grass that best fits your wants and needs. Knowing these two things will decide the type of grass we will be installing. Functionality, soil, sunlight and aesthetics will be determining factors in choosing the right fit as there are several different sod varieties to choose from. For a more in-depth view of each type of sod, visit our sod variety page(for those in zone 8 to 10).

How to Install Grass Step By Step

sod installation in winter garden
Follow these step for how to lay grass sod the right way. Now that we’ve prepped the areas properly, the irrigation system is up and running, and you’ve decided the grass variety that best fits your needs we are ready for the grass installation process.

The starting point does not matter, but for those wanting to maximize efficiency and minimize cut-ins and cut-outs, it is best to start from the edge of the grass and flower beds working your way towards the concrete. For example, you are replacing your easement which extends into the neighbor’s yard, which you are only replacing your section, start from the grass line(the edge of your neighbors lawn) and work towards the concrete. For a step by step instructional video that shows you how to check this page out.

Doing this will eliminate cut-ins that would otherwise be necessary if you were to work from the concrete towards the grass. No matter which staring point you choose, you’ll still have to cut pieces to fit and cut out grass extending over the concrete.

When installing sod pieces (usually 16”x24” each), you can work them horizontally or vertically. Whichever direction you choose, be sure to continue that way the entire length, if not you could potentially leave small gaps and spacing that will need to be plugged up with cut-ins (time-consuming).

While installing the sod, be sure that each piece of grass is snugly connected to all pieces near it, this will eliminate spacing. Too much spacing or big gaps could lead to a potential weed uprising or allow seeds germinate. If this happens you are either facing three options. One, spend money on chemicals to try and combat the weeds. Two, re-sod the areas, this will cost more money. Three, do nothing and let the weeds take over. It’s best to avoid any of these options and install the grass snugly.

After you’ve learned how to lay grass sod and have completed your grass installation project, it’s time to learn how to care for your new sod. Fertilization, mowing and proper watering are crucial steps in maintain a healthy lawn.

St Augustine Seville Installation

The Final Steps of Installing New Grass

When all the grass installation is finished, you are left with cut-ins and cut-outs. There are many tools and techniques you can use to cut the grass just the way you need it. Some people use knives or machetes; we like to use a stick edger. Using a stick edger not only leaves a cleaner cut but speeds up the process tremendously, especially on larger projects.

Once everything is finished, it is time to adjust the sprinkler heads for coverage and schedule the timer accordingly. Following these steps and tips will speed up the process and give you direction if you were unsure of where to begin. We are always a phone call away if you need a professional sod service to help with any of your grass installation project needs.

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How To Remove Grass Thu, 11 Aug 2016 01:09:58 +0000 There are many thing to take into consideration before starting the grass removal process. How to remove grass will be determined by the size of the property and the slope degree. Take exact measurements of the areas were the grass removal process will take place. Make sure to kill off any weeds and grass before […]

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sod removal in orlandoThere are many thing to take into consideration before starting the grass removal process. How to remove grass will be determined by the size of the property and the slope degree. Take exact measurements of the areas were the grass removal process will take place. Make sure to kill off any weeds and grass before the sod removal. There are many ways to set up grades for runoff and or drain fields so the lawn wont hold any water or puddle up. After we have completed the grass removal process we can begin the grass installation process.

Grass Removal Process

We’ll begin with spraying the entire area with a professional grade weed killer or powerful homemade organic weed killer. This is the most important process when learning how to remove grass. Allow the chemical to set in for up to 10 days before removing any grass, if the weeds aren’t fully dead after 6 or 7 days, respray to make sure everything is killed off.

We want to do this, so that majority of the root systems die out. This will set us up for success in the long-run. The grass removal process is just a surface cut and removal of the weeds and grass. Most of the weeds and grass root systems can go down as far as three feet. If we don’t use a pre-spray, the chances of weeds popping back up are significantly increased. The phrase that everyone knows is “the best offense is a great defense” this is true when learning how to remove grass.

How To Prepare The Lawn For Grass Installation

sod removal in winter park

After we’ve sprayed and determined the grass dead, we can start the grass removal process. There are three types of machines you can use, a sod cutter, skid steer (i.e. bobcat or caterpillars) or soil cultivator. The size of your property may determine the process of how to remove grass. If you have a large property 1/2 of an acre or more a skid steer or soil cultivator will be more efficient.

Sod Cutter Vs Skid Steers

One downfall with using a skid steer is that you may damage irrigation rotors and heads. You might also remove a lot more soil than if you’re using a sod cutter and dumping fees could quickly escalate. Another downfall is the grading process and achieving proper slopes become a lot harder and require a great deal of skill is most cases. This type of grass removal process can become difficult for inexperienced homeowners. For these reasons, we recommend the average homeowner should stick to using a sod cutter.

Grass Removal With A Soil Cultivator

sod removal in windermereWhen it comes to the grass removal process, set the sod cutter blade at the one inch setting. This will set the machine up to only remove 1” of base soil, and this will be plenty for a smooth and bare surface. Most grass sod that you’ll be installing will come with a 1″ base underneath the surface.

After you’ve cut all the desired areas with either machine, you’ll want to pick up the majority of the grass. If you’re using a soil culivator or skid steer these step wont really matter to much as each machine removes the laborious part of the grass removal process. Some people use rakes and shoves to clean the surface off, we find it much easier and faster to use a wide set pitchfork.

Either method will expose the edges that the machines you were not able to get to with the machines. To remove these edges, they’re a few different options. You can choose the good old fashion shovels, hard rakes or hoes to clean them up, or we like to use a stick edgers or weed eaters. The rotating edger blade and or weed acts as a mini tiller and speeds the process up significantly. The weed eater eliminates majority of the soil kicking back unlike the edger. Either option is faster than you traditional removal tools.

How to Remove Grass and Grading Proper Slopes

Once all the debris has been removed, and soil is bare, we begin our grading. In most instances we’ll want to attempt leaving a flat down and outward grade away from the house. Not all are the same and creating certain grades can be difficult, especially those with dramatic slopes and hills.The important thing when leaving slopes and grading is to eliminate any dips that will cause puddling of water. As long as the surface is smooth you should be in good shape.

For those who find this to be a strenuous task, see if we’re in your local area and seek our sod services.

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Choosing a Type of Sod for Your Needs Thu, 11 Aug 2016 01:09:16 +0000 Choosing a type of sod for your needs can be a tricky task to tackle.When it comes to choosing the right type of sod there are many different varieties to inquire. Many factors may come into play when choosing the right fit for you. There are several different looks, feels, colors and shade and sun […]

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St Augustine Floratam Sod InstallationChoosing a type of sod for your needs can be a tricky task to tackle.When it comes to choosing the right type of sod there are many different varieties to inquire. Many factors may come into play when choosing the right fit for you. There are several different looks, feels, colors and shade and sun tolerant varieties. The single most important factor to take into consideration when deciding which type of sod to go with is the amount of sunlight present.

Certain types of grass can handle low amounts of sunlight, while others require near full sun to thrive. For those who live in HOA communities, you’ll want to check which type of sod options for your needs that they’ll allow you to put in. We’ve put together many different options and their character traits for you to review. All varieties are options for zone 8a-10b. Those that live in the Central Florida area and need help with sod removal and installation, we’re here to lend a hand as well.

Which Type Of Sod Fits My Needs

St. Augustine Varieties

Floratam: Floratam is the most widely produced St. Augustine sod in Florida. This St. Augustine grass was specifically designed for hot, humid climates making it perfect for Florida sod projects. Floratam will not survive in areas with less than 6 hours of sunlight daily. The blades are a dark green-blue, and the leaves are wide and coarse.

Seville: Seville St. Augustine sod is a dwarf variety with a dark green color and low growth habit. Seville is one of the better options for St. Augustine grass options when it comes to shade tolerance in Florida sod projects. It handles full sun, partial shade, and dense shade areas very well. The downfall is the cold tolerance; it does not do well with extreme cold making this an option for Central to South Florida only.

Palmetto: Palmetto is often referred to as a semi-dwarf St. Augustine grass variety with shorter growth habit and internodes, but the blades are slightly larger than other St. Augustine sod such as Captiva, Sapphire, and Seville. Palmetto’s grass blades are a light emerald green and do well in full sun to partial shade in Florida. Sodding Palmetto in dense shade is not recommended (areas with less than 4 hours of sunlight).

Bitter Blue: Bitter Blue is better known for is dark blueish-green color and texture. Bitter blue blades are coarse, and broad, with large, flat stems. It is tolerant of shade, cold weather, and is well adapted to most soils making it a great option for residential and commercial sod projects.

Empire Zoysia

Empire Zoysia: Empire Zoysia is a full sun and partial shade tolerant grass. Zoysia also tolerates heat, cold and drought making this grass ideal for any Florida sod project. The blades are thin and hardy, yet soft enough to enjoy barefoot while partaking in activities. Tight blade growth gives Empire Zoysia a deep green color and is a favorite among hardy turf grass. Commonly used throughout golf courses, hotel resorts, theme parks, and residential communities in the Florida area. This deep dark green color will make your neighbors jealous and add major curb appeal.


Celebration Bermuda: Celebration is a striking deep blue-green bermudagrass that has finished best in numerous university research studies for wear tolerance and recovery, drought resistance and tolerance and bermudagrass shade tolerance. Found in professional and college sports venues, golf courses, and home lawn. It has an excellent wear and divot recovery, reduced fertilization making this our preferred choice for any Florida sod service project.


Argentine Bahia: At From the Ground Up we provide one type of Bahia for Florida sod service projects. Argentine Bahia, this Bahia sod is ideal for homeowners and offices working with a cheaper budget. It requires minimal attention, but proper watering is required.

St Augustine Seville Installation

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